Mother Butler Guild Handbook

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The vestry is the governing board of an Episcopal parish and consists of the rector, the wardens, the treasurer, the clerk and lay members. Vestry members are nominated and elected by the congregation at its annual meeting, generally held at St. Stephen’s in February. Our vestry meets once a month.

Next Vestry Meeting: Sunday, December 27, 2020

Vestry Officers:

Once you get all 4 Sketch Fragments and have the Completed Sketch, you will actually get this quest. Once you actually get the quest, you have to go to the Highwaymen's Guild in Brightwood to find out who put a hit on you. Travel to Brightood, follow the glowing trail to the Guild, you will meet many Highwaymen on the way so fight through them. Jesus, Peter and the Keys: A Scriptural Handbook on the Papacy by Scott Butler et al (Queenship, 1996) The Papacy by Catholic Answers (1999, workbook) The Vatican Council 1869-1870 by Dom Cuthbert Butler (The Newman Press, 1962, orig 1930).

Christoper Trahan, Senior Warden, Over the last one hundred years and spanning the course five generations, Chris and his family call St. Stephen’s home. Born in Lynn, he was baptized at St. Stephen’s Memorial Church in 1973. Even though he and his family moved to Wakefield in 1982, Chris and his family “skipped over parochial boundaries” and continued worshiping at St. Stephen’s. It was here in 1986 he received the Sacrament of Confirmation by The Rt. Rev. Roger Blanchard. In 1998, Chris and his wife, Jackie, were married at St. Uncharted 2 pc game full download. Stephen’s and currently reside with their daughter in Saugus.

Harry Jackson, Junior Warden, grew up in the church and loves the building. Since the 1980’s he’s been taking care of the building and providing support to our parish programs. After retiring in 2007, Harry spends nearly every day at St. Stephen’s. He is passionate around building projects and maintenance, working closely with contractors and vendors who provide services for the church.

Virginia Fuller, Treasurer

Carolyn Hoy, Clerk, was born and raised in Lynn in the Roman Catholic Church. She joined St. Stephen’s in 2010, after working in the office for three years. She served as clerk from 2011 to 2016 and is currently on the Altar Guild, Big Money Raffle Committee, Communications Committee, Fair Committee and Stewardship Committee. She helped create an Employee Handbook along with creating and designing many Annual Reports, fundraising ad books, brochures and stewardship mailings.

Vestry Members:

Pamela Alleyne was born and raised in Barbados, West Indies before migrating to St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands where she attended High School and some college. Pam move to Lynn, Massachusetts in 1978, after reuniting with her child hood sweetheart, DeCourcey. She have been attending St. Stephen’s for at least 40 years. It was only after the death of her son and the wonderful reception she got from the church, that she decided to be more involved in church activities. Pam served on the vestry for several years, is a member of the Deanery, Delegate to Convention and Sunday School teacher. She loves St. Stephen’s and all the outreach it is doing for the parishioners and the community, and intends to be a part of it until she no longer can. Pam has two daughters and five grandchildren, all of whom still attend.

Charlotte Brown-Breckenridge is a retired teacher of 40 years in the Lynn Public Schools. She has been attending St. Stephen’s since 1962 and was married at the church in 1980 to Leon. Her three adult children were baptized and confirmed and her six grandchildren were all baptized at St. Stephen’s. She has been involved in many ways including Sunday school teacher for 23+ years, leading adult and child’s sewing groups and Women’s Group co-facilitator as well being a member of the Mother’s Group and Alfa.

James Poppe is a cradle Episcopalian, born and raised in Rhode Island, and moved to the Lynn area in 1977. He first came to St. Stephen’s Church three and a half years ago. Jay has served St. Stephen’s Church as a Deanery Delegate, a delegate to the Diocesan Conventions, and as a member of the Building Committee. In his previous church, he served as Junior Warden for 8 years, and member of multiple committees. Jay has been married to his wife, Pamela, for 16 years, and has three grown children, one grandchild, and has been a foster dad to many children during the last 10 years. He attended URI, Northeastern and Brandeis, with degrees in Engineering and Business. Jay is currently loving retirement, after spending 39 years in the field of aeronautic engineering.

Jesse Timothy Potter was born in Indianapolis, Indiana where as a youth he played the piano and organ in his mother’s church. She was the first Black woman Ordained in the Methodist Church. JT/Tim went to Lincoln Univ. MO. He played some semi-pro basketball. He graduated from Butler University. Tim has worked in radio and television as news reporter in multiple cities including Boston.

Tim’s wife Deborah serves as a Lay Eucharist Minister. They have 3 children & 9 grandchildren.

Carline Riley-Clarke was born in Barbados and raised with a spiritual background from her youth. She moved from Boston to Lynn in 1995, finding a true friend in St. Stephen’s. As a single mom with extended family who suffered the loss of a loved one, St. Stephen’s was there for her and her family. “As I grow and learn, I give thanks to God for the great congregation and friends at St. Stephen’s.”

Albertina Robillard was born and raised in Lynn and grew up at St. Stephen’s where she was baptized and confirmed. Her grandparents and her parents were all members of St. Stephen’s. Tina Spent 35 years working in health care in a hospital/clinic setting. She moved away for a number of years and has recently returned to Lynn and to St. Stephen’s. Since she has been back, she has volunteered at Harvest Fair, joined the Altar Guild and the Food Pantry team. She looks forward to helping out wherever needed.

Mother butler guild handbook 2019

Emily Sherwood was raised in the Episcopal Church, which gave her the foundation of experiencing God’s love and grace through the Eucharist, the preaching of the Word and the community. Her faith journey took her out of the Church for a number a years, partly the result of coming out as a lesbian during a time when that wasn’t embraced by the Church. She was thrilled to find St. Stephen’s in 2007, for the first time in her life worshiping in an affirming and multiracial, multicultural community of Episcopalians. Emily has served as a Eucharistic Minister and is a founding member of the Beloved Community Team.

Bob Tucker has been coming to St. Stephen’s Church since 2015. He regularly attends the 10 a.m. service. He has participated in ECCO meetings and the Annual Youth Pride Event. Bob has lived in Lynn his entire life and serves on the Lynn Human Rights Commission, President of the Friends of Lynn and Nahant Beach and Chairperson of Lynn Community Television. He is a former President of the Lynn City Council and is active participate in the Lynn community, especially for social justice. Bob looks forward to serving on the Search Committee.

Joyce Wallace‘s family crossed the bridge from Jamaica Plains to Lynn 55 years ago. She attended middle and high school here and earned a degree from University of Massachusetts. Joyce was employed by the General Electric Company for 42 years and served her local union as a shop steward, policy board member, trustee and women’s committee member. She has also volunteered for schools’ functions, been a member of Girls Inc. Board, HAWC crisis hotline representative, ECCO, and worked on numerous political campaigns.

Joyce is the parent of two adult sons and seven grandchildren. Although she is not a cradle Episcopalian, she has attended St. Stephen’s for over 30 years. Her children, grandchildren and some nieces and nephews were baptized, made first communion and confirmation in this church. Joyce is an activist for social justice and feels passionate about both her community and church and has served both in many difference capacities. Some of her involvement at St. Stephen’s includes serving on the Vestry, teaching Sunday school, the North Shore Deanery, the altar guild, ushering, the Big Money Raffle Committee, the Beloved Community Team, the North Shore Mission Hub Committee, the women’s group, helping with annual fairs, soul food dinners, setting up for events, and anywhere else a pair of hands or a person is needed. Download ppt on wildlife of india.

A world without barriers to experiencing the love and wisdom found in the breastfeeding relationship.

Thank you for supporting La Leche League International and for making a difference in the lives of mothers and babies!

Elvira. Mother

During the early days with my third baby, I felt a special connection in my heart and soul with my LLL colleagues and with all the mothers whose breastfeeding wisdom has been passed along.

Read Elvira's Story

Dawn. Mother

I know whenever I contact my [LLLI] friend and mentor Genny, she will have sound, reasonable, educated information to share. I appreciate her help with breastfeeding and mothering..

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Vanessa. Mother

None of the mothers in my family or my husband’s had ever breastfed. They disapproved of my desire to do so, explaining that it was too exhausting and telling me stories of women who failed.

Mother Butler Guild Handbook 2019

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Diana. Mother

Mother Butler Guild Handbook Online

I was nervous that the [LLLI] moms would judge me badly for feeding my baby with a bottle, but they were incredibly supportive that I was still pumping, even though my baby wouldn’t nurse..

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