Rampone Cazzani Serial Numbers


Asian Bass Sax Manufacturers
With so many different brands of new, Asian-made bass saxophones currently on the market, some people might be surprised to find out that there are only 2 companies that make all these horns.

Rampone & Cazzani started producing saxophones in other than brass around 2012, I am not aware of a Rampone e Cazzani serial nuber chart but you can certainly ask them, they are active alive and kicking and generally responsive to emails. This is a video of 2012 when Claudio Zolla started talking about the different metals an.

Rampone Cazzani Serial Numbers Blog Home The Godfather Don Edition Cheats Ps3 Ranorex Cracked Feet Google Chrome Mac10.6.8 Hey Say Jump Download Concert. We are selling this beautiful Rompone & Cazzani vintage alto saxophone on consignment for one of our customers. This is a relatively rare instrument in excellent condition for its age. It is suited to advanced and professional saxophonists. Though it can be used for any style, those who regularly play 1920s-30s-40s-50s swing, bigband and dance. Rampone e Cazzani is an Italian old manifacture specialized in woodwinds (their saxes and clarinets have a quite good reputation). As for my information they made only trumpets student grade. Honest trumpets but nothing at all. I'm talking about the period 1960-1999.

Rampone E Cazzani Serial Numbers

Asian Stencil Horns
(Helen) These horns all have something in common: they come from either China or Taiwan, and from unknown manufacturers. Unlike the vintage saxophones made by the American companies of yesteryear, or European companies like J. Keilwerth and Pierret, today's Asian-made saxophones are cloaked in secrecy.
Who makes these horns? Most times this is not known, and many dealers won't tell you who their stencil manufacturer is. Why this secrecy? That's a really good question. Dealers give all kinds of supposed reasons for this secrecy, but none really make sense when you consider that in the past, a horn's pedigree was not classified as 'need to know only basis'.
In any event, given the amount of these horns that are flooding the marketplace, I thought it was fitting that at least a few of them end up in this gallery.
Asian Bass Sax Manufacturers

Rampone Cazzani Serial Numbers

With so many different brands of new, Asian-made bass saxophones currently on the market, some people might be surprised to find out that there are only 2 companies that make all these horns.
Asian Stencil Horns

Rampone & Cazzani Serial Numbers

(Helen) These horns all have something in common: they come from either China or Taiwan, and from unknown manufacturers. Unlike the vintage saxophones made by the American companies of yesteryear, or European companies like J. Keilwerth and Pierret, today's Asian-made saxophones are cloaked in secrecy.
Who makes these horns? Most times this is not known, and many dealers won't tell you who their stencil manufacturer is. Why this secrecy? That's a really good question. Dealers give all kinds of supposed reasons for this secrecy, but none really make sense when you consider that in the past, a horn's pedigree was not classified as 'need to know only basis'.
In any event, given the amount of these horns that are flooding the marketplace, I thought it was fitting that at least a few of them end up in this gallery.

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