Red Alert 3 Back Screen Fix Patch

  1. Red Alert 3 Back Screen Fix Patch Free
  2. Red Alert 3 Back Screen Fix Patch

Rename the movies-folder (. SteamApps common Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 Data) 2. Launch the game 3. Go to options and set the resolution to the one of your monitor 4. Close the game 5. Rename the movies-folder back to 'Movies' 6.

  1. This hot-fix patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes a network on-line issue preventing users with no internet connection from accessing the game. This issue was previously introduced in Patch 1.09 and is now fixed in 1.10. No other balances changes are included with this patch. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 – Patch 1.09.
  2. This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes several exploits and bugs, improves balance, adds two free maps from Red Alert 3: Uprising, and more. Added two new maps for skirmish and online play: Spring Fever (2 player). Blitzen's Back (4 player). Play these maps and many more in the stand-alone.


Total votes: 68
June 26, 2009 - 9:00pm

This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes several exploits and bugs,
improves balance, adds two free maps from Red Alert 3: Uprising, and more.


• Added two new maps for skirmish and online play: Spring Fever (2 player) and
Blitzen's Back (4 player). Play these maps and many more in the stand-alone
campaign expansion, Red Alert 3 Uprising, available for download at

Balance Changes: Global

• Garrison Range bonus reduced to 75% from 100%.

• Walls and Structures no longer block line of sight while being constructed.

• Parachute drop time increased.

• Oil Derricks now explode when destroyed. Keep your distance. Recovery toolbox for access full serial mahek.

• Observation Post health increased to 10000 from 3000.

• Due to the recent downturn in the global economy, all Super Weapons are now
half price.

• Anti-Infantry vehicles (Riptide, Jet Tengu) vulnerability to GUN damage
(PeaceKeeper, Conscript, Imperial Warrior) now reduced to 25% from 50%.

• The Top Secret Protocols have been reordered for all three factions.

Balance Changes: By Faction

• Allied Javelin Soldier cost reduced to 300 from 400.

• Allied Aircraft Carrier drone speed increased to 225 from 150.

• Allied Aircraft Carrier drones no longer give large amounts of XP when

• Allied Aircraft Carrier reload time reduced to 10s from 15s.

• Allied Assault Destroyer Black Hole Armor bonus increased to 35% from 25%.

• Allied Outpost now gains additional health when upgraded (25% per level).

• Allied Athena Cannon no longer requires line of sight to attack. It can fire
over walls now!

• Allied Cryocopter health reduced to 650 from 750.

• Allied Chronorift cast delay reduced to 1s. Rift time changed to 5s , 10s,
and 15s, depending.

Red Alert 3 Back Screen Fix Patch

• Allied Defense Bureau build time increased to 30s from 10s.

• Special Agent Tanya Adams now requires the Defense Bureau to be built.

• Allied Apollo Fighter heath increased to 300 from 250.

• Allied Chronosphere now requires the Defense Bureau to be built.

• Soviet Hammer Tanks can no longer leech while moving.

• Soviet Apocalypse Tank grinder damage halved.

• Soviet Flak Trooper Cost increased to 400 from 300.

• Soviet structures will no longer refund 100% of their cost if canceled after
taking damage. Refund value reduction is equivalent to the damage taken by the

• Soviet Super Power Plant energy production reduced to 350 from 500.

• Soviet Super Power Plant will no longer explode if it is destroyed before it
has completed building.

• Soviet Stingray health increased to 450 from 360.

• Soviet Dreadnaught Missiles now scatter against units.


• Soviet MiG Fighter health increased to 240 from 200.

• Soviet Iron Curtain now requires the Battle Lab to be built.

• Japan MCV build radius increased to facilitate wall building.

• Japan Jet Tengu now much less deadly against each other in air form.

• Japan Tsunami Tank now auto-heals while it's secondary ability is active.

• Japan Honorable Discharge power no longer deals any friendly fire.

• Japan King Oni health increased to 3000 from 2250.

• Japan Emperor's Rage powers now limit the speed debuff to 75% for all

• Japan Wave Force Artillery no longer requires line of sight for attacking. It
can shoot through walls, buildings, and anything else dumb enough to get in
front of it.

• Japan Naginata Cruiser Spread-Torpedo damage halved.

• Japan Naginata Cruiser health reduced to 1200 from 1400.

• Japan Shogun Battleship speed reduced to 50 from 75.

• Japan Shogun Battleship cannons now properly scatter against other units.

• Japan Shogun Battleship rate of fire now reduced by 40%.

• Japan Point Defense Drones now have an expiration time of 2 minutes.

• Japan Final Squadron Power damage reduced in accordance with the new power
tree design.

Balance Changes: Vision

• Vision changes were incorporated from Red Alert 3: Uprising in order to
improve unit behavior.

• Allied Multigunner Turret Vision Range increased to 310 from 300.

• Allied Prism Tower Vision Range increased to 360 from 350.

• Allied Hydrofoil vision range increased to 325 from 300.

• Allied Javelin Soldier vision range increased to 200 from 175.

• Allied Guardian Tank vision range in Target Painter mode increased.

• Special Agent Tanya Adams' shroud clear range increased to 500 from 400.

• Soviet Apocalypse Tank vision range in Harpoon mode increased.

• Soviet Hammer Tank vision range in Leech mode increased.

• Soviet Terror Drone vision range in Stasis Ray mode increased.

• Soviet Base Defenses vision ranges increased slightly.

• Soviet Bullfrog vision range increased to 325 from 300.

• Soviet commando vision range increased to 175 from 150.

• Japan Seawing vision range increased to 225 from 200.

• Japan Tengu vision range increased to 225 from 200.

• Japan Commando vision range increased to 175 from 150.

• Japan Commando shroud clear range increased to 500 from 400.

User Interface Enhancements

• Players who choose random in online play will now have their faction hidden
on the 'escape' screen during the match.

• The wait time to kick an online player with a bad connection has been reduced
to 30 seconds (from 60).

• Players who are not on your friends list can no longer whisper you while
you're in a match.

• Rally points can be reset on airfields by right clicking on theairfield while
it is selected.

• PC Users can now customize right click scroll speed by adding the following
command line argument: -dragTolerance # [where # = distance in pixels, typically
a number from 1 - 50].

• Interface lag (irresponsiveness between clicks and keyboard commands) has
been reduced.

Bug Fixes

• EVA announcements will no longer play when a disguised spy enters your base.

• Made several improvements to the way garrisoned buildings and captured
structures are reported through shroud (in game and on the radar).

• Integrated several AI improvements from Red Alert 3 Uprising.

• The Apoc Tank can no longer move while harpooning.

• Fixed a bug that prevented Allied airfields from building the appropriate
number of aircraft in certain situations. Flash memory toolkit free. download full version.

• Fixed a bug that prevented units from attacking enemies withvery low health.

• Fixed a bug that allowed the Soviet Crusher Crane to be captured by an
engineer without the 3-second capture delay.

Red Alert 3 Back Screen Fix Patch Free

• Fixed a bug that allowed Soviet players to cash bounty their own deployed MCV
and then get a refund by selling it.

• Fixed a bug that allowed the Mirage Tank and Tsunami Tank's secondary
abilities to still function when under the effect of an Aircraft Carrier's
blackout missile.

• Fixed a bug that allowed structures to be placed on top of Tesla Troopers in
their secondary mode.

• Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented veteran Guardian Tanks from painting
targets correctly in their secondary mode.

• Fixed a bug that allowed certain units to be frozen despite being under the
effects of an Iron Curtain or Chrono Rift.

• Fixed a bug that caused certain textures to display incorrectly when playing
multiple, different community-made maps in succession.

• Chrono Swap no longer allows you to move non-amphibious units from land to

• The Shinobi's secondary ability now correctly causes allenemy units who are
actively targeting him to lose their target.

• While inside a Nanoswarm, the Apoc and Riptide can now properly attack other
units within the Nanoswarm.

• Enemy tanks with the Terror Drone Surprise upgrade will no longer spawn a
terror drone when killed by Tanya, as this would kill her instantly.

• Desolator strikes and Chronospheres will no longer affect repair drones.

• Time bombs can no longer be cast on walls.

• Amphibious units may now be sent into a friendly crusher crane on land or at

• Structures that were under repair when captured will no longer be under
repair for the new owner.

• If a player has multiple Twinblades selected but not all are garrisoned,
pressing the secondary ability button will now only cause the garrisoned
Twinblades to descend.

• Blocked an exploit that gave the Bullfrog's secondary ability (the man
cannon) unlimited range.

• Blocked an exploit that allowed the Javelin to remain locked-onwhile moving
or when the target goes out of range.

• Blocked an exploit that allowed unlimited camera zoom-out in online play.

• Blocked an exploit that gave a Hammer Tank unlimited Toxic Corrosion.

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On the 30th of October, we reported about Command and Conquer ; Red Alert 3, the latest installment to the popular C&C franchise. I myself didn’t have any problems with the game so far (FYI I haven't’ played it for more than 15 mins so my experience may not count) but it looks like a lot of people are experiencing crashes and black screen problems with the game.

One of the most common problems posted on various gaming forums as well as on official support forums was that many users were getting a black screen before the menu is loaded or sluggish performance with the in game menu. EA has acknowledged that this problem is due to the game aggressively checking for updates online:

Hey everyone, We put a hot-fix patch 1.02 live earlier this evening which you should auto-update to get. Simply log online and you'll be prompted to patch. Patch 1.02 corrected aggressive patch checks that could result in main menu sluggishness. For most of you, this is the 'black screen' you were experiencing. This should now be fixed with 1.02.We know this impacted many of you and wanted to get a quick fix out, should be good to go now. We want to ensure this weekend is a Red Alert 3 playing one! Ill have the EXE's on the website tomorrow morning. Thanks, APOC

As you can see from the above, EA have released Red Alert 3 Patch 1.02 to fix this problem. This patch can be downloaded via in game update or through this link.

Update: Red Alert 3 Patch 1.03 has been released. You can download it from the EA FTP. Change log is currently empty so I don’t know what issues this one addresses (apart from the fact that 1.03 incorporates all the fixes included in versions 1.01 and 1.02).

Update 2: Red Alert 3 Patch 1.04 has been released. Install brew mac os catalina.


Release Notes:

  • This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 improves thereporting of online games to the ladder and player’s stats.
  • This patch also changes player names in online lobbies tobe listed alphabetically.
  • Also includes all updates from previous patches.

These patches will not work on pirated versions of the game unless a DRM cracked version of the patch is released, which is one of the downsides of game piracy.

Meanwhile there is a thread on EA' official support forums regarding issues related to the game crashing and interestingly the thread is titled “BEWARE OF CRACKED VERSIONS”:

Hey everyone, Our development team, customer support, and our mod squad are intensely reading and patrolling our boards and assessing all the issues being raised. We are looking in to them, attempting to re-pro, and see what are real technical Patch 1.02 issues, and which are being solved with helpful technical tips from you guys. We definitely appreciate that! However, we are fully aware of various cracked versions out there right now. We have confirmed that the cracked version of the game crashes on the following missions: Allied Mission 3, Empire of the Rising Sun Mission 3, and Soviet Mission 6. We're also aware that the cracked version of the game contains an intro splash screen of a bikini-clad Soviet female character that is not in our game nor is this splash screen apart of our game. one of the above issues are occurring in the retail version and none are issues that we can re-produce. You will see some of our devs monitoring threads and asking questions to help users fix any specific issues, or acquire more info so we can assess. Some of those devs are familiar faces: EA_DevAmer, EA_Marquis, EA_Shadow If you see one of them in a thread, please say hello and help us, help you. Thanks, APOC

Note the text in bold? Initially I though these were the missions to which EA added SecuROM triggers to screw pirates. But it looks more like pirated versions of the game crashed because RELOADED (the group who cracked Red Alert 3 DRM) forgot to include a critical file in their release. RELOADED have however released a fixed version (Aka a crackfix) with this file included.

P.S.- Patch 1.01 of this game was released earlier and it DOES NOT address any of the crashes/black screen problems. 1.01 merely fixes a few non critical issues with multiplayer component of the game.

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Red Alert 3 Back Screen Fix Patch

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